Sunday, April 29, 2012

We Have a Walker!

Well Miss Kacie finally took more steps this weekend! On Friday, she took 4 steps at Amy's when I went to pick her up. She did it a few more times at home that evening. Here is a video we tried to get of her. She was holding a toy, and I took it and was holding it up to try to get her to walk to get it. Well, she started crying and pointing to it, but it did get her to walk! haha.
This is the next day, when she really took off walking!
I know she'll be running before we know it. Sigh. :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

13 Months

Wow! It seems like Kacie said to herself, "Ok, I'm one year old now. Time to be a big girl!" She has done so many new things this month.
  • I stopped pumping altogether the week she turned 1, but we kept nursing at bedtime. April 8 was my last night to nurse. She spent the next night with my parents and then we just stopped completely. She also is completely off bottles. 
  • She began drinking whole milk and had no problems transitioning. She LOVES milk! She has about 1/2 a cup of juice mixed with water each day.
  • I finished up the baby food I had left, and now she is eating all table food. Since I'm not exactly the best cook, she has been eating a lot of Gerber microwave meals. Her favorite things seem to be chicken, any kind of fruit, and carrots.
  • She is still not walking, but she's getting SO close. She took 2 steps last week, but hasn't done it since. She is cruising everywhere and standing by herself all the time. I'm sure it will be any day now. 
  • She is still taking 2 naps and is sleeping at night usually from 8 pm-6:30 am. (sometimes on weekends she'll sleep until 7 or 7:30.)
  • Her personality continues to be SO silly. She loves playing peek-a-boo, and uses anything to cover her face.
  • She is saying a few more words. I can't remember which ones I've already mentioned, but right now, they are mama, dada, didi (doggie), heyo (hello), bye-bye, night-night, tickle, uh-huh, and no-no. She points to everything she wants and says no-no if it's not the right thing.
  • She still loves to sit in our laps and read books. It amazes me how many things she can point to correctly in the pictures. 
  • Our bedtime routine is mostly: jammies/lotion 7:30, read a few books, brush teeth, and in bed by 8. 
  • She is still so good natured and laid-back. She is easy to take to the store, restaurants, etc. She still cries for a few minutes at church, but when we come to get her, she's always playing and smiling. 
  • She loves "Fresh Beat Band" and "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" and will squeal and clap her hands when she hears the theme songs. 
Here are the attempts to take her picture. Such a silly wiggle worm!!
Here's the "best" one
Here's a video during our "photo shoot"

Saturday, April 21, 2012

More Silliness

I have taken several videos of my silly girl lately. Here are a couple of my favorites!
One more of my silly girl....
She just does the funniest things. She definitely keeps us laughing.  These are a little blurry because she was moving so much.

She was trying to put Jason's shoes on, so I put them on her and stood her up.
That's all for now!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

So many pictures, so little time

This post will be a variety of pictures that don't necessarily belong in any specific title.
Cute outfit for church
 Playing Peek-A-Boo with Jason's hat
She was sitting in her chair and pointing to all her animals. I handed them to her and she sat like this for a while.
FINALLY a picture of my big girl standing up by herself. She's been getting better and better, but I haven't been able to get any pictures. Still no walking, though.
 Cutie Pie
 Her "play house"
 Bath time!
One day there was really bad weather with all kinds of tornado warnings. The sirens actually went off near our house while I was at school. This is a picture Amy sent me of all 3 kids hiding out in the bathroom during the tornado sirens. She had to wake Kacie up from her nap to bring her downstairs. Luckily they were fine. At my school, we had to do the "duck & cover" in the hallways for about 30 minutes.
 Playing on her slide
 In her new car seat in Jason's truck
Dancing Queen

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Eating like a Big Girl!

The past few weeks, Kacie has been eating all kinds of new foods. Sometimes she likes using the spoon, and sometimes she just grabs a handful and shoves it in her mouth. Here are some cute pictures of my little princess.
 First kid's meal at Chick-Fil-A (She loved it, despite the look on her face!)
Here is a video of her eating mac & cheese. Not too exciting, but pretty cute.
This is another day when I was trying to catch her doing the sign for "all done" on video.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday

Today was Easter Sunday. Last year on Easter was the first time we took Kacie to church, and Grandma Sharon and Auntie Tricia were with us. This year we went to church in the morning and then went to my parents' house for the rest of the afternoon.

We started the morning with Kacie's Easter basket, which my friend Stefanie gave her last year. She really liked the plastic eggs more than anything. 
 Then we got ready and headed off to church.  This was Kacie's first time in her new "Big Girl" car seat. She really was smiling and laughing the whole trip, but of course just stared at me when I tried to take a picture!
She loves her books!
 We got to church a little early, so here we are hanging out near Kacie's class, having a little snack.
Family picture by the flowers on the stage after service
 Here are some of my favorite pictures from the thousands we took at my parents' house after church.
 Easter basket from Grandma Bonnie & Grandpa Paul
 Little Ashton came over to visit from next door.  (This is the "best" of the several pics we tried to get of the two of them!)
It was a relaxing day, and we enjoyed spending time with family on Kacie's 2nd Easter!! I can't wait to see her running around finding eggs next year!