Here are some new/cute things about Kacie this month:
- Of course, she LOVED Christmas. She was really disappointed when we took all the decorations down.
- She just talks so much, and we understand almost everything she says.
- One of her new little "sayings" is "cuz" (which actually sounds like "tuz"). When we ask her anything, she says "cuz," even if it wasn't a why question. She just grins and eventually will answer correctly whatever the question was.
- She says the "T" sound for beginning "c/k" sounds. She can say the "K" sound, because she says it at the ends of words like cracker and quack quack. I try to practice with her by saying, "K-K-Kacie" and she will repeat saying, "K-K-Tacie."
- She also says the "d" sound for "g." She calls my mom "Dam-maw."
- She started saying, "Go away Mommy/Daddy" when we are near her. We are trying to discourage that!
- Another thing she started saying is "I need this" about everything. It's pretty funny when she wants something, she automatically says, "Mommy, I need this juice/cracker/toy, etc"
- She says everything is her favorite. "Pink is my favorite." "Green beans are my favorite." "Clara is my favorite." Her favorite things change daily. Haha!
- She loves to scream/squeal really loud for attention. After you look at her, she just starts giggling out of control.
- She continues to amaze us at the numbers/letters she recognizes. She also recognizes the stores Aldi, Target, and Dollar Tree when she sees the signs.
We love our smart, funny, beautiful girl so much!!