Well, as usual, I'm a bit behind. I'm going to let Kacie narrate some random happenings from the rest of November.
Here I am reaching over to grab the bag of puffs. Nothing is safe from me anymore!
Now that I can move around so much, this is where I play when mommy has to go to the bathroom.
It's not so bad, as long as I have books and toys!
...or Mommy's necklace
This is me trying to figure out what these things are on my feet. Daddy said they were my new boots when he put them on me, but I'm still not so sure.
Relaxing with a nice beverage after a long day (water, of course!)
Here I am snuggling on Mommy & Daddy's bed and being extra cute
Here I am out to eat and drinking my bottle all by myself like a big girl.
Mommy thought the laundry basket would be a good barrier. All I see is lots of fun!
Who's that cutie patootie! Oh, it's me!
Tired of sitting up. It's hard being cute!
Another outing at a restaurant with Mommy & Daddy.
And finally, this is me sleeping HARD. If you look closely, you can see a pool of drool around my mouth. I was starting to get a runny nose, so I was being a "mouth breather."
That finishes up November!
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