This weekend I had my first baby shower! It was given by my sweet friends Danielle, Misty, and Leanne at Danielle's house. It was so fun to start getting things for my little angel. I am so overwhelmed and blessed to have such awesome friends!
The Hostesses
Grandma Bonnie came too!
Me with all the awesome food
Sweet Friends
Some of the awesome gifts
Pregnant girls-According to the due dates, I'm the farthest along, but we'll see what actually happens. We are all due in March & April!
The next day, Danielle & I had a shower for Misty at my house. It was definitely a busy weekend!
We spent Christmas with my family. On Christmas Eve, we went to church and to Irving for the big Attwood family gathering. Then on Christmas Day, Jason & I and Brent & Cassandra went to my parents' house for dinner and presents. It was a fun day of family. Oh, and I don't think I've mentioned that Cassandra is also pregnant! She is due with a BOY a week after my sweet girl. Needless to say, there were many baby gifts this Christmas. I am so excited that these two cousins will be so close in age.
Before Church
For New Year's Eve, we went to Kevin & Allison's house. Kevin's brother, Rod, and his family were in town. Rod's daughters, Lindsey & Alyssa, were the Flower Girls in our wedding. It was so good to see them and spend some time with them, and of course Macey & Xander too.
My Sweet Macey
At Midnight!
Jason & Xander
Jason & all the kids!
It is so crazy to think that this year we are having a baby! There is so much to do and so little time! In 3 months, we will be holding our sweet little Kacie Lynn Wichert!