I'm a little behind because I lost my camera for a few weeks! I wanted to get all caught up with our summer fun, but the lost camera put a damper in my plans. (I'm putting the correct chronological date on this post, but it's really the middle of June! Yikes! By the way, found my camera in the couch cushions).
Anyway....Here is Kacie's 14 month post!

- This month flew by! I almost forgot to take her picture on May 24.
- Many things are the same as the past few months. She continues to entertain us with her silly faces, noises, and jabbering.
- She is understanding so much! I am constantly amazed at how many animals and body parts she can point to correctly (just to name a few!)
- A few weeks ago, she started waking up EARLY....like 5:30-6:00. She was waking up pretty consistently around 6:45 or so. I know six doesn't sound that early, but when I'm trying to get ready for school, I don't have time to have her walking around. We usually leave her in her crib until about 6:45. I get her up, change her diaper, take her to our room, and wake Jason up. I have a minute or two for hugs and kisses, then I leave for school. But only one more week!
- She also started having a mini-meltdown the past week or so around 7:30. As soon as we say, "Kacie, let's put your jammies on!" She screams "no" and starts crying. This lasts anywhere from a minute to 20 minutes. We try to distract her, but for some reason she has started fighting bed time. She usually calms down and goes right to sleep by the time we go to her room. It's just so different to our child that hardly every cries!
- She is walking faster and faster every day. She loves to squeal and "run" away when we say we're coming to get her.
- She is really having a great time at Amy's house with Dawson and Addison. When I get there to pick her up, the girls will walk to the door holding hands. It's so cute!
- She also loves doggies and babies. She will squeal and point when she sees either one on tv, at the store, in a book, anywhere!
- I feel like there's so much more, but I can't think of anything else new as I'm typing.
We love our little munchkin so much! I am SO excited to get to spend the summer with her. I know I will be tired, but it will be so fun. A lot different from our summer together last year. As always, here are the other attempts at the 14 month picture:
Kacie, look at Mommy!
Don't pull your dress up!
We turned on "Fresh Beat Band" to try to get some smiles. We got smiles, but we couldn't get her to look at us!! Guess our plan backfired.
And now it's time to grab the sign
Where's Kacie?!
This was later in the evening when we had taken off the bow. I just thought it was cute.
Uh-oh...I don't know who pulled all the notebooks of Mommy's students out of this basket while she's trying to grade....hmmmm...maybe it was Earl...