I couldn't wait to be on Christmas break so we could take Kacie to see Santa for the first time. Because of her "stranger danger" phase that she's in these days, I didn't know if she would cry or not, but we decided to see what would happen. We got Kacie all dressed up and went to Bass Pro.
Kacie & Mommy

Reaching for the cell phone I was holding to get her to smile
She got her hands on the phone. I love how she looks so serious!
Another cute smile
Our Santa pass wasn't until 3:00, so we had about 30 minutes to walk around.
Looking at the big bear
And here's Santa.....no smile, but no tears either. Yea!!
"Official" Santa Picture
With mommy after it was all over
Sucking on the candy cane (the plastic is still on)
One last attempt at a picture by a deer
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