Friday, August 24, 2012

17 Months!

17 months! The time is flying by! I almost forgot to take her picture with all the craziness of being at school.

Here's the scoop on Kacie this month:
  • She has added Grandma and Grandpa to her vocabulary.
  • She is suddenly fascinated with birds. And her word for them is "dodo" and we're not sure why. She squeals and gets very excited when she sees one. Mrs. Karen has some birds in her classroom, and I think that is what sparked her interest.
  • She has to say bye-bye to everything and everyone when we leave the house or Mrs. Karen's house. She literally walks around and says "bye-bye" and pats chairs, toys, the floor, dolls, the wall, I mean everything. It's so funny
  • She has also started saying shoe, eyes, more, read, and ice, bite, and hat.
  • When she wants me to sing she says "A-B" for ABCs, she does the hand motions for  Itsy Bitsy Spider, or says "Ha-Da" for the Hot Dog song on Mickey Mouse.
  • She has started saying Daddy instead of Dada.
  • We pass cows in a field on the way home every day, so it's become a new routine to drive slowly by the fence so she can "moo" at them. (She actually says "boo" instead of "moo". It's so cute).
  • She figured out you can get water from the fridge. She will hold a cup up and stand on her tippy toes to try to push the water lever. We now have to remember to keep it locked because she can reach it now.
  • We have transitioned to 1 nap because that's what they do at Karen's. She's adapting very well, but she still gets tired around 10-11 am. If we are out, she will usually fall asleep in the car. The main thing is when she took 2 naps, they were usually about 1 1/2 hrs each. Now instead of one long nap, her one nap is just 1 1/2 hours. This makes for a very cranky girl around 6-7 pm. I'm hoping she'll start sleeping longer as she gets used to it. It's only been a few weeks.
  • She has had a few more "tantrums" that only last about 30 seconds, but that piercing scream is a sign of toddler years yet to come! We can usually distract her easily enough by tickling her or handing her her Minnie doll.
  • She has become very attached to her Minnie Mouse doll. She takes it in the car wherever we go, and she has started sleeping with it as well. 
  • She loves to dance and really shakes those hips when she hears any kind of music. 
  • She is wearing 12 & 18 month clothes, size 5 & 6 shoes, and 4 & 5 in diapers.
  • She knows SO many animal sounds and can correctly identify by pointing at almost anything we ask her in her books. She is just soaking up and copying everything we do and say, including "Awww man!" and "Darn it!" 
  • She's still very laid back and usually very obedient. I definitely see a stubborn streak every once in a while, but she's still very sweet. 
Here are the pics from her photo session:
Almost halfway to two years old! Yikes! We love you little princess!

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