Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I Have a 2 Year Old!

I am a few days late in posting about my little 2 year old. I actually didn't take our traditional monthly picture, so I will just reuse one of the pics from her birthday. This will be the last of the official monthly posts, but I will definitely still post all the sweet, funny, and smart things my little angel does.
This month:
  • Her favorite things change daily (color, food, etc).
  • She is just so funny!
  • It is amazing to me the stuff she remembers. She constantly tells us random stuff that she remembers. "Member I got a new kitchen for Christmas. Member I bump my head on the piano bench. Member Macey came to my birthday party. Member I ate apples with Grandma Sharon."
  • Her head healed just fine. It never bled, and there is no scar. She still says, "I put food and a Kleenex on my boo boo."
  • One day she looked at me and said, "That dress is beautiful. I love you." I wrote it down because it was so sweet!
  • She makes up songs constantly.
  • She LOVES to play in her bed. She gathers up an armload of books and dolls/animals and asks me to put her in her bed. I usually sit in the rocking chair and just watch her while she plays. 
  • She also reads her books. I love to listen to her retelling some of her favorite books. A few times, she was holding the book up like a teacher would and told her babies, "Listen me when I read." It was really funny. 
  • One of the books she can say almost every word to is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" We sometimes use different words to copy the rhyme. (Kacie, Kacie what do you see? I see Minnie looking at me). One night we were watching a Ranger game on tv, and she suddenly said, "Baseball, Baseball, what do you see? I see red dirt looking at me." She made that up completely on her own without Jason or me making an example first. 
  • Her favorite shows are pretty much the same: Mickey Mouse, Doc McStuffins, Sofia the First, and Little Einsteins. We have several of each recorded for times when they are not on. 
  • She loves to play her games on the ipad. She can open her "Kacie" folder and do everything by herself. 
  • At her 2 year checkup, the only thing I had to say "no" to on the check list was jumping with both feet (actually jumping and not hopping/galloping). She is so close, so hopefully she'll be jumping any day now. 
  • She is 33 pounds and 37 inches tall. The doctor said she's the size of a 3 year old!
  • She LOVES her babies and her animals. She thinks up more things to do with them every day!
That's all I can think of right now, but she continues to amaze and entertain us every day!!

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