Friday, March 15, 2013

A Birthday Party and an Injury

We went to Grayson's 2nd birthday party a few weeks ago. When I was going through pictures, I realized I didn't take any of the kids at the party! Here are a few I do have.
On the way to the party
"The Mommies"~ Heather, Erica, me, Danielle, Leanne
 In true BFF fashion, Danielle & I were dressed alike (white sweater, purple shirt). Lol!
Ok, so we had our first major injury this week. It was the day Danielle, Heather, and the kids came over to make the photobook for Leanne. Kacie and Jake were running around playing, and Kacie tripped and fell....and her forehead hit the corner of the piano bench. The next 2 pics are not for the weak at heart!
It never bled, and immediately called the doctor while Dani got some ice. (Actually some frozen vegetables wrapped in a paper towel. For weeks after, Kacie kept saying "I put food and kleenex on my boo-boo.") The doctor said just give her some Tylenol and watch her all day. She didn't have any of the symptoms the doc told me, so I was able to calm down. After about 30 minutes, she wanted to get down and play.

Later in the afternoon, Kacie saw the birthday present from Carter & Nathan on the counter and insisted on opening it. Since she'd had such a rough morning, I thought an early birthday present would be just fine!
 A Minnie with 3 dresses, 2 pairs of shoes, 2 bows, and a hat
Thanks Carter & Nathan!

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