Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Rest of July

The week after we got home just flew by! The day after we got back, we went to Danielle's house because Misty and the girls were in town!
Picnic for the 5 kiddos
 The hula hoops were a big hit
 Sarah Beth & Kacie are 2 days apart
 Cheese! Kacie's first ice-cream sandwich
 Attempts at a group picture
Hayley-4, Kacie-2, Sarah Beth-2, Hannah-4, Jake-4
 These kids and their technology...
Hannah & Uncle Stephen
 A game of chase
 Awwwww-sweet girls
 All the Girls! (Jake wanted no part of pictures anymore)
 Hugs for Aunt Misty
 Hugs for Aunt Dani
 Hayley & Hannah with Auntie Seana
Dressed up for church
 Did she forget anybody?
We began potty training the week after we got back from California. We went to the store so Kacie could pick out some big girl panties. She picked a package of princess panties (big surprise!).
We put her little potty in the living room for easy access, and it actually went pretty well. Aside from a few accidents the first few days, she really caught on quick. By the end of the week I was "brave" enough to try a trip to Wal-Mart without a diaper. She was fine! She still wears a diaper for nap and overnight, but after that first week, she hardly had any accidents.
 She turned her tent sideways and said it was her boat.
 Playing dress up
This was my desk when I was little. My parents got it out of the their garage and washed it up for Kacie to use. She loves sitting in it at their house!
 Silly girl with shorts on her head!
 Playing in her "boat" again
We bought some cars at the dollar store, and she was so excited to race them.
I wanted to add 2 cute videos. This one is of her singing "Jesus Loves Me" in her bed.

And this one if of my silly girl "wrestling" with her dog
Here are some more annecdotes from July:
  • For a few weeks after we got back from California, she started waking up from her naps and in the morning SCREAMING. We did not know what was causing it, but she did finally stop after about 2 weeks.
  • When we get close to church, she yells,"There's the Chili's, the sun, the apple, and the piggie!" We pass a Chili's, a hotel that has a sun on the sign, an Applebees, and a BBQ place that has a pig on the sign. 
  • She learned our names and is constantly saying, "My mommy is Seana and my daddy is Jason."
  • She also can tell you that our street is Lakecrest.
  • One of the funniest things is she has started putting her babies in tine-out. Sometimes she sets them in the corner, and sometimes she puts then in the high-chair facing the wall. (both are ways she gets in time-out). She has a little "talk" with them and says things like, "I am so disappointed that you hit do not hit Mommy....Mommy is so sad that you didn't listen...." Wonder where she's heard those phrases before?! haha :)
  • One day, we were playing around and somehow she hurt her arm/elbow. I wasn't sure what had happened, but she suddenly started screaming and holding her arm. It was right at nap time so we rocked for a little while, but every time she moved her arm she would start crying again. It had been about 2 hours, so we went to the doctor and he diagnosed it as "Nursemaid's Elbow." Basically it was just dislocated and he was able to fix it in a few minutes. That was a little scary for Mommy and Kacie.
  • At the doctor's office they weighed her, and she was 35 pounds.

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